American Samizdat

Tuesday, December 10, 2002. *
anti-war protests

in honor of human rights day today, there are many planned anti-iraq protests across the world.

reuters says anti-iraq war protestors rally across u.s.

"more than 100 communities in 35 states are playing host tuesday to rallies, marches, and protests by liberal groups and activists against what organizers say are the white house's 'plans to invade Iraq at any cost'," says united press international

"a delegation of priests, nuns and roman catholic lay people is expected in iraq tuesday for the beginning of a series of demonstrations against a possible u.s. invasion of that middle-eastern country," says

8 protestors arrested outside of colo. sen. wayne allard's office last week (scroll down to bottom stroy)

and talkleft informs us that more than 100 celebs have signed an anti-war letter to be send to mr. bush. (don't send it with winona, she might lift something at the white house and get us all in dutch!)

remember, if you're in the socal area, this saturday, dec. 14, a candle light vigil to protest war will be held in hollywood at the corner of hollywood and highland streets at 7:30. please go to for details.
posted by Anonymous at 12:38 PM
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