American Samizdat

Friday, November 01, 2002. *
Pre-emptive arrest of Green Party people in DC? An unconfirmed report.

This could be an inside account, or simply a way to spread rumors. Perhaps some of us bloggers will be able to do a bit of fact checking. Somehow the Leftist Propagandists' report on the DC anti-Iraq protest sounds more plausible. Stuck in traffic for too many hours this week, I heard NPR retract its Saturday estimate of the DC Iraq protest at 10,000, and note that march organizers numbered the crowd at 100,000 instead- same as UPI.

Clearly the hope is that weblogs, spinning off from the US, will somehow make it possible for us to promote a world-wide American Samizdat that counteracts future coverups of mass arrests, and prevents tragedies like Tlateloco from happening in places like Teheran. However data-crunching on surveillance of politicized crowds could become a new variant on opinion polling ... and technologies like the new link-tracking and link-diffusion features on Blogdex could simply make it easier to round all disssenters up.

So, fact checkers and obsessive surfers, grab your tinhats, your Linux server, and join the Vast CIA-sponsored Left Wing Media conspiracy ... ! The non-linear effects of linking so many human processors in a single information web are likely to have unpredictable consequences, and my guess is that some of them will be positive.
posted by Emmanuel at 9:32 PM
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