American Samizdat

Wednesday, November 13, 2002. *
No War This Week

In a move devastating to Mr. Bush's chance to get some crude oil for his friends in the petroleum industry, Saddam Hussein said yes to the U.N. resolution demanding unconditional weapons inspections in Iraq.

"We hereby inform you that we will deal with Resolution 1441, despite its bad contents," said a letter from Foreign Minister Naji Sabri to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

We ourselves have had lunches with bad contents and know how difficult it is to digest. However, this pretty much puts any invasion plans on hold, at least for a week. Iraq's compliance, combined with the recent tape indicating that Osama bin Laden might still alive, would create active debate as to the advisability of focusing military might on an Iraq invasion, if the media were actually objective, and we weren't living in Bizarro World ("bin Laden am still alive! Then we am going after Hussein!").

Here's a nifty little piece of interactive cool stuff from CBSNews, showing things like the dates of inspections, world opinions, layout of our troops in the gulf, a who's who of hawks in DC, and an advertisement for the CBS Early Show.

However, as this little article from CNN shows, it's only a matter of waiting till Saddam does something Bush doesn't like:

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said that the Bush Administration had not seen the letter -- but warned that if it contained "any false information or omissions, that would be considered a violation," of the resolution.

Does that include spelling errors? Saddam, there's no I-T after B-U-S-H!

posted by Anonymous at 12:29 PM
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