American Samizdat

Wednesday, October 16, 2002. *
CNN titles this article: "Canada's marijuana laws worry U.S." Said article includes this: "American officials caution they may be forced to drastically slow trade across the northern U.S. border if the Canadian government relaxes its marijuana laws." Bolstered by: "U.S. drug policy experts say decriminalizing marijuana in Canada will increase drug use in America and trafficking by organized crime elements on both sides of the border."

Really? So the U.S. threatens to hurt trade relations with Canada on the advice of it's "drug policy experts" and the titles says, "Canada's marijuana laws worry U.S.?" Note whose opinion the piece ends on, and also how many additional experts are quoted who question this (none).

CNN: Why don't they just fucking wear uniforms?

posted by Dr. Menlo at 6:23 PM
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