American Samizdat

Saturday, September 14, 2002. *
Takahiro Kimura... Broken Face No.165 (29.7x21cm, August 24,2002). Takahiro Kimura (one of our personal favourite collage artists) is now up to 233 in his epic Broken 1000 Faces project. "...The Project of Broken 1000 Faces started in October, 1999. The plan is to create 1000 faces of same size(12x8inch) using same technique(collage and painting on paper). One every day. I find commonplace photos in magazines and photograph collections. It's important that they be random images,chosen by accident. First I tear a face photo into small pieces. Then I reconnect the pieces. I let my sense of the image guide the arrangement. Balance that images from my perception of the subject. I use a nail to scratch the image."
posted by Andrew at 8:52 AM
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