American Samizdat

Monday, September 02, 2002. *
Newsweek puts Tyneside in top eight of world's cultural centres, along with Austin, Tijuana, Zhongguancun, Marseilles, Cape Town, Antwerp and Kabul. (Mind you, this is the same Newsweek which described London as 'the world's coolest city' a few years back).

Blair's summit rebuff to Bush. 'Tony Blair last night launched an unexpected broadside against George Bush over climate change and said the leader of the world's most polluting nation must be persuaded to change his ways. '
[ ... ]
'This was a calculated rebuff to the American president, who, having repudiated the Kyoto agreement, has instructed his team at the earth summit to remove all mention of it from the final 30,000-word "plan of action" being negotiated there. '
'Mr Blair, aware of the US pressure to "lose Kyoto", decided to embarrass Mr Bush by emphasising its importance. '
(Nobody likes being thought of as a poodle, after all).

Great trek from the slums to the promised land. 'Thousands of the world's poor gathered for a march to the suburb where the summit is held.'
posted by steven at 3:59 AM
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