American Samizdat

Thursday, August 15, 2002. *
Tom Tomorrow is working with Michael Moore on an animated movie.

Also, I picked up this interesting tidbit from the Well with, unfortunately, no source attached: " . . . the reason Moore will be able to publish a book on the 2004 election in 2003 is that he had a 'deep throat' contact in the Bush camp and already knows how they'll rig the next election -- no more clumsy wipe-outs of 50,000 black Florida voters from the voter roles as 'felons' (followed by a news blackout by all major American media -- though not all British, for instance), no more ugly judicial coup d'etat. No, they've got something much simpler & more fool proof in mind this time, and Moore has the scoop!"

I was unpleasantly surprised tonite to see Bartcop rail so vociferously against Moore. Perhaps Bartcop has not seen this: Poll Analysis: Nader not responsible for Gore's loss, via Eliot Gelwan, the Indispensable.

But who will Bartcop the Bartcop? . . .

posted by Dr. Menlo at 10:12 PM
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