American Samizdat

Sunday, August 18, 2002. *
Scott Ganz, warblogger, in the comments section at Warblogger Watch:
Why exactly do you people keep Menlo around? All he does is link external content. Whatever one might say about the rest of your writings, they at least required thought.

Face it. Menlo is a plagiarizing waste of space. Even if he links to the holy grail itself, he's still just pointing and expecting a pat on the back.

Whether or not what Menlo linked is funny, the fact remains that all he does is paste up links to other peoples' content. I've done more work pissing in this comments section than he's done all month.

Take a look at my page, and you'll note immediately that more than 2/3 of it is entirely, as Shuggie Otis would say, Aht Uh Mi Hed. . . . Since I, unlike the WBW crowd, am over 17 years of age, I've been to college. . . . Ohhh, so nobody's supposed to write anything. We're just supposed to link other people's work in a maddening mobius strip of hypertext? Anyone can post a link and say "go". It is one who writes, which includes everyone at WBW except Menlo, who at the very least puts something of themselves into their work. . . . If Menlo is the site's tech guru, then that's another story.

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posted by Dr. Menlo at 11:00 AM
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