American Samizdat

Tuesday, August 13, 2002. *
I was inordinately pleased last Saturday morning to hear that Ann Coulter was about to be interviewed by FAIR on Counterspin . . . the resulting exchange was a bit on the mind-boggling side. When confronted with a quote by herself that she apparently does not like, she calls it a "lie." Like when she allegedly told a Vietnam Vet that it was people like him that lost the war. When asked how the media can be so right-wing when she is plastered all over it, she mentions something incomprehensible about "not being taken out and shot yet." When given examples of the right-wing method of personal insults against political opponents, she either claims it was a mistake, calls it a "lie," or says she never heard of it. When Rush Limbaugh said, "Here is a picture of the White House dog," and showed a picture of Chelsea Clinton, this, according to Coulter, was a mistake. FAIR points out that this was done twice, was that also a mistake? I could go on and on, but I found her method of "polemics" highly disturbing, to say the least. Most disturbing, however, was her co-opting of the term "samizdat." She referred to the neocon media in America today as "what I call samizdat media." Perhaps I can refute her claim the next time I appear on television.
posted by Dr. Menlo at 12:17 AM
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