American Samizdat

Sunday, August 25, 2002. *
Abu Nidal sows chaos from the grave. (Observer) 'As confessions go it was spectacular, but little remarked on outside of the specialist circles that monitor these things. Youssef Shaaban, aged 29, and a self-confessed member of Abu Nidal's Fatah Revolutionary Council, was on trial for his life in a Beirut court for murdering a Jordanian diplomat when he stood up and insisted that he be heard. '

'Shaaban had a statement to make. To the surprise of those gathered in court, he claimed that six years before - in 1988 - he had been personally responsible for the bombing of PanAm Flight 103 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, killing 270 people. '

'His claim was immediately dismissed, both by the judge and by the few who bothered to comment on the confession. ' [ ... ]

'But now Nidal is dead in Baghdad - shot four times in the head, according to the Iraqis, who also say he committed suicide. And once again Nidal is in the frame for Lockerbie, although former Libyan agent Abdel Basset al-Megrahi is serving a life sentence for the attack. '
posted by steven at 6:44 AM
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