American Samizdat

Monday, July 29, 2002. *
Here is the sound of Homer Simpson introducing Paul Krassner. Here is Paul Krassner talking about his latest album--dedicated to Ken Kesey--and how the aforementioned snippet of Homer Simpson was supposed to be on it, but Fox said no. The Guardian reports: "The album, which was due out this month, pokes fun at President Bush, the US attorney general, John Ashcroft, and the 'war on terrorism'."

If you point out that Krassner is the "father of the zine," he will, for the umpteenth time, demand a paternity test. The Guardian also points out that Krassner is finishing up a novel about his friendship with the late Lenny Bruce. As always, Lenny lives on.

posted by Dr. Menlo at 8:15 PM
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