American Samizdat

Saturday, June 15, 2002. *
Book length Manuscript on September 11, Terror War, and the New Barbarism available free on-line
I've just finished a book-length Manuscript available from my home page on:

September 11, Terror War, and the New Barbarism

By Douglas Kellner
Table of Contents

1. Theorizing September 11
1.1. Social Theory, Falsification, and the Events of History
1.2 The Bush Administrations, the CIA, and Blowback
1.3 September 11 and Terror War: Has Everything Changed?

2. September 11, the Media and War Fever
2.1 The Terror Spectacle
2.2 Conceptualizing the Event: September 11 and Political Discourse
2.3 War-Mongering, Patriotism, and the Failure of the Media

3. Operation Enduring Freedom and the Proliferation of Terror War
3.1 Osama bin Laden’s Media War
3.2 Operation Infinite War
3.3 All Anthrax, All the Time

4. Month One: Special Operations, Bombing, and Propaganda War
4.1 Hearts and Minds
4.2 Back to Politics

5. Month Two: The Retreat of the Taliban and Afghan Chaos
5.1 The Fall of Mazir-I-Sharif and Kabul
5.2 Tragedy and Fear, Welcome to the Terror Age
5.3 Ironies of the Cold War and the Bush-Bin Laden Connections

6. Collapse of the Taliban
6.1 The Battle for Kunduz and Prison Uprising
6.2 The American Taliban
6.3 A Few Honorable People
6.4 The Fall of Kandahar

7. The Hunt for bin Laden
7.1 At Home with bin Laden
7.2 Omar Under the Gun, Afghans Bombed, and a New President

8. The New Barbarism: World in Turmoil
8.1 Regression, Reaction, and Barbarians Amok
8.2 Prisoners, New U.S. Military Bases, and Proxy War

9. The War at Home: Political Battles and the Enron Scandal
9.1 Family Friends: Bush Administrations and Enron
9.2 Enron, the S&L Scandal, and the Bush Family
9.3 Pretzels, the Enron Collapse, and Bush’s Insider Trading
9.4 Enron in the Public Eye

10. The Afghan Quagmire, the "Axis of Evil," and Dangers of Bush Administration Unilateralism
10.1 "Detainees," "Unlawful Combatants," and the Guantanamo Bay Fiasco
10.2 Afghan and Other Military Interventions
10.3 The "Axis of Evil," Unilateralism Amok, and Bush’s Cock-eyed Imperialism

11. The New Militarism, Lies and Propaganda, and more Afghan Adventures
11.1 The Rise (and Fall?) of the Pentagon Ministry of Truth and the Lies of Bushspeak
11.2 The Battle of Anaconda and Other Afghan Skirmishes
11.3 Waiting for the War on Iraq and Growing Criticism of Bush and Cheney

Conclusion, For Democracy and Against Terrorism and Militarism

posted by Douglas at 11:03 AM
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