American Samizdat

Tuesday, May 21, 2002. *
Richard, a healthy dialectic is always welcome. I hadn't read anything on the Earth Summit prior to yesterday, so I thank you for another viewpoint. (I admit to having my cynicism momentarily lulled by such beguiling phrases as "Earth Summit" . . .) I, too, would like to offer a countering view to something posted here--in response to Post-Atomic's posting about samizdats: I think the purveyor of that opinion is either a pessimist or a propagandist for the status quo. Samizdats are just one arm/extension/tool of an education movement designed to impel one towards action, and many of these movements have seen success--in some cases quite extraordinary success as in the case of East Timor, whose celebration of statehood this past week we should all glean some rather empirical optimism from, yes? Long live Samizdats! Long live Education!
posted by Dr. Menlo at 10:57 AM
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