American Samizdat

Thursday, April 25, 2002. *
The World Famous Supreme Team (via ethel)

"Washington DC- A recent poll of 800 Americans (April 4-8, 2002, MoE +3.5%) found that the nation is vastly unaware of WHO -- or even HOW MANY -- Justices sit on the United States Supreme Court."

"Nearly two-thirds (64%) could not name a single member of the current Court, and just 32% knew that there are nine Justices. Only five people (two men, three women) in the entire survey could name all nine. In contrast, a whopping majority -- 75% -- knew there are three Rice Krispies characters and 66% proudly cited their names."

heres a page i found useful for quick reference --
posted by drat at 9:32 AM
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