American Samizdat

Tuesday, April 23, 2002. *
Peter Cook talks to the Sheffield & North Derbyshire Spectator shortly after the release of Derek and Clive (Live). "...we went to Electric Lady Studios, armed with several bottles of wine, just to see, what happened if we talked with no prior ideas into two microphones. We had no preconcieved attitudes or inensions. What emerged, on the whole was a shower of filth, with no socially redeeming or artistic value. We heard it back the next day and found it to be funny, but on the other hand we had no idea what to do with it. What we did was very practical, i.e. nothing. A few weeks later we decided to try out the same sort of rambling filth on a small audience. We did and they laughed. This time we did something; we sent a whole bunch of unedited tapes to a long time friend of mine, Christopher Blackwell, head of Island Records. He and his good lady also laughed and wondered what the hell to do with them." From The Establishment: The Peter Cook Appreciation Society.
posted by Andrew at 8:47 AM
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