American Samizdat

Tuesday, April 02, 2002. *
JP, thanks for pointing us to yet another American idiot who seems to take the US corporate press at face value. You wanna see a real American IDJIT, world? Look no farther than the BARDCODEKING! With an intelligence etched via Etch-a-Sketch, oh he's sure to amuse!

No, but seriously folks, while the Ultimate Bonehead Dubya blathers on about "pathways to peace" (HEL-FUCKING-LO!) and the entire US administration sternly tells Arafat to "stop the violence" (while even Caspar Weinberger believes--among scores more--that Arafat can't control EVERY SINGLE DISAFFECTED PALESTINIAN FUCKING DUH!) let's look at the NUMBERS, shall we?

Dead Israelis: 400+

Dead Palestinians: 1200+

Now, if you can fucking COUNT, you can clearly see who the fucking terrorist is here. The hidden conceit buried within the US portrayal of this conflict is this: Israeli lives hold more value than Palestinian lives. Israel = South Africa circa 1980's, but worse.

posted by Dr. Menlo at 10:20 AM
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