American Samizdat

Saturday, April 27, 2002. *
August Walla... Fire House (1999, Pencil, colored pencil and ballpoint pen on white wove paper). From The Artists of Gugging at Galerie St. Etienne. "...'Gugging' is the abbreviated way of referring to the Haus der Künstler (House of Artists) at the Lower Austrian Psychiatric Hospital in the hamlet of Gugging, outside Vienna. The Haus der Künstler was established by the psychiatrist Leo Navratil, who began to notice that the art produced by certain of his patients far transcended the qualitative parameters of traditional art therapy. These artists, selected by Navratil with advice from local museum officials and artists (including the well-known painter Arnulf Rainer), began to publicly exhibit in the 1970s."
posted by Andrew at 6:55 PM
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