American Samizdat

Friday, March 15, 2002. *
There is, as usual, more than one side to any political discussion. Even so dedicated a left-wing writer as the highly honored Israeli revisionist historian Benny Morris--the Arab web sites sell his books on line--has changed his position since the suicide bombings began and steadily mounted in Israel. Thus-- horror of horrors-- this right of center American paper recently published a piece LINK which presents an argument contrary to the ones often posted here and at other sites.

I offer this so that our outstanding and very young new site does not become overly predictable, as is the case with Znet, Counterpunch, The Weekly Standard, Commentary and others, where like good parishoners, we go weekly to reaffirm our membership in the various Texts of Holy Writ that we have accepted as The One True Faith while (alas) all others --non-believers--wander in the Darkness of False Belief, having their own Bibles and Faith that strike us as plain silly, meaningless, and empty of The True Way--the one we affirm and know to be Right, though located to the Left.

posted by Anonymous at 11:54 AM
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