American Samizdat

Thursday, March 21, 2002. *
Max Razdow... Fed to the Lizard by the Hand of Man (2001, ink and pen on paper). "...There is a beast on the horizon of our landscape here, some sort of creature (Lizard)... it devours you and you are gone... who's beast is it? no ones, i think. Just a mean mean dragon that is green with our greed and exists deep in our hearts. The feeder is capitalists, treaded and hooded; white sheeted. Lizard has no trouble engulfing you in his mouth, the beast built on money and our greed, but is strong with the gold of our ages, embeded in our genes, always on the horizon... The keeper is not absolute. He loves the Lizard, though, it is his duty and art to feed it...and feeding it makes him stronger." From Max Razdow Ahrt.
posted by Andrew at 8:21 AM
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