American Samizdat

Wednesday, February 13, 2002. *
Posted by Miss Anderson for the venerable Dr. Menlo:

"Hello Harbingers! Quickly now: You are all my heroes. I have been completely bowed over by the response to the Samizdat so far but the list on the left, I hope, is far from complete--please take it upon yourselves to recommend others you think would like to participate, or you are welcome to recommend yourself ( As my browser seems to be broke (but email working fine, and ftp, too), I may be limited to the background for a short stretch, but I am sure you will all be beautiful while I'm gone. In response to Al Jensen's post a while back: an email list for the harbingers is in the works--shall we talk openly here? I dunno . . . maybe . . . harbingers? (Also, all are welcome to come up with alternate templates.) To JP: I definitely have some ideas about the subject you brought up, but some of them I will only elaborate on via email . . . Here's a question I would be interested in seeing the harbingers answer: If, as Unknown News and others have pointed out, the CIA plays an influential role in the doings of the Corporate Media--what if the CIA has caught on to blogs? What blogs, in your estimation, are most likely to be run by spooks? Also, I would love to do a Samizdat episode of "Women We Love"--my list is long! So, I know I'm forgetting something (oh yea--at least 2 people I invited didn't receive their original invite so there is a list of these people, too, and I don't know if they didn't get it or just didn't accept it) but the email list is coming soon (Mr. Planet!)--until then, thank you all again for participating and also a benificent nod to all you wonderful viewers out there as well for coming around--this blog, and this domain, will only continue to get better and launch your savvy rocket-jets in ways you can't even imagine . . . Until then--your obdurant servant, Dr. M.

(p.s. if anyone can email me a public ftp addy for a Mac explorer 5.0 [or anything better browser-wise for an old Mac and old OS] I would be forever"

posted by Kirsten at 10:38 AM
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