American Samizdat

Saturday, February 09, 2002. *
A behind the scenes look into the making of a recent epic of American journalism:

After the phone call with Rove, Woodward went to Downie's office to brief the editor on his progress. "Len, I'd like to do this story in fewer than forty-seven parts," Woodward said, putting his hands on Downie's desk and leaning toward him, "but it just wouldn't be right. History deserves better."

"OK. But what have you got?" Downie asked.

Woodward remembered Bradlee asking that question. He drew himself up and said: "I can't reveal my source, Len, you know that. But I have a senior White House aide who says that Bush was"--he paused to look at his meticulously crafted notes--"'brave, decisive, and never-wavering' in the days after September 11. 'The president set the course for the war on terrorism and everyone else fell in behind him.' My source says that Bush's performance was reminiscent of Roosevelt--both of them." The hair on the back of Downie's neck stood up.

In the Newsroom, Nerves of Steel
posted by Mr. GluSniffer at 11:11 PM
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