American Samizdat

Thursday, January 24, 2002. *
Was Enron a Cult? Of course.

The nasty stuff of totalitarianism this capitalism becomes.

the entire private domain is being engulfed by a mysterious activity that bears all the features of commercial life without there being actually any business to transact. All these nervous people, from the unemployed to the public figure liable at any moment to incur the wrath of those whose investment he represents, believe that only by empathy, assiduity, serviceability, arts and dodges, by tradesmen’s qualities, can they ingratiate themselves with the executive they imagine omnipresent, and soon there is no relationship that is not seen as a ‘connection’, no impulse not first censored as to whether it deviates from the acceptable.
--Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia
posted by jerry at 9:11 AM
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