American Samizdat

Monday, January 21, 2002. *
Palast: Well, first of all you hit a good one. Woodward and Bernstein, which everyone comes back to, was three decades ago! What has happened in thirty years? When have we had a story in thirty years that has come close to that? I gave a talk with Seymour Hersh, who is one of the guys who broke the My Lai story. That was thirty years ago. He cannot work for an American newspaper. He writes for the New Yorker magazine. Think about that. One of our best investigative reporters in America, he has won at least two Pulitzer prizes, can’t even work for an American newspaper. What is going on?

Greg Palast talks about Bin Laden and the Saudi connection: how it was shoved aside by Bush oil interests and the truth behind what happened in Florida election BEFORE the voting began
posted by Anonymous at 4:49 AM
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