American Samizdat

Thursday, January 31, 2002. *
Main Entry: sa.miz.dat

Pronunciation: 'sä-mEz-"dät

Function: noun

Etymology: Russian, from sam- self- + izdatel'stvo publishing house

Date: 1967

: a system in the U.S.S.R. and countries within its orbit by which government-suppressed literature was clandestinely printed and distributed; also : such literature

Definition courtesy Merriam-Webster

When Your Zine is Against the Law,
That's Underground Media

"After Stalin's demise, with the rise of the relatively more liberal Kruschev regime, writers became bolder, producing several typewritten magazines which were copied by hand and passed among groups of trusted friends. It was during this period that an unknown Moscow poet coined samizdat to describe his collections of bound, typewritten poems. Short for "Samsebyaizdat", which means "a publishing house for oneself," samizdat quickly caught on."

Higgy gives the downlow on samizdat.
posted by riley dog at 9:28 PM
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