American Samizdat

Tuesday, January 29, 2002. *
The End of Self-Righteous Conservatives
"EVEN WORSE FOR the ideologues, the Enron scandal makes it clear that the unfettered free market does not work, because human beings are flawed and will act according to their basest instincts if they think they won't get caught.

If regulation were really unnecessary, then laws against, say, speeding would also be unnecessary, because people would realize that the accident rate and the fatality rate increase with speed, and they would behave in their own self-interest and drive a steady 55 or slower when conditions so dictate.

Also, Enron makes that whole Ayn Rand "Fountainhead" thing look a little silly, too. Who is John Galt? Ken Lay."

I love Jon Carroll.
posted by brooke at 8:29 PM
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